After meeting with Dr. Granger we are having tons of mixed emotions. We were told that after tomorrow (Thursday Feb 10th) results we will know more about our action plan for our little angel bug. We were told by her that there are several types of Neuroblastoma, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4S. Type 1 Neuroblastoma is considered the low risk type and consists of cancer cells that grow to an unknown extent, shrink, die, and sometimes eventually become benign. A treatment option for type 1 is to merely observe and wait for the cells to shrink and die on their own OR surgery if it is a certain size already. Getting periodic scans, bone marrow analysis and MIBG tests done regularly. This type of cancer is the only one in existence that the body can actually fight off and take care of on its own…SOMETIMES. However, extensive testing is done regularly (weekly almost) to monitor the cancer. 4S Neuroblastoma is considered the high risk type and consists of cancer cells that keep growing in an aggressive way unless stopped by some form of treatment, although it normally only spreads to certain other organs, the liver is one of those.
We will know the answer as to which type this is after Thursday’s tests. We just don’t really understand how we could leave a cancerous tumor in our precious girl and just “watch it”. We can only look to the lord for answers as to what needs to be done for her and can only hope that the cancer is isolated in the right adrenal gland.
Today Reagan got an injection of a Radioactive Dye (liquid through an IV) for an MIBG scan she’ll be having tomorrow. The Neuroblastoma cells in her little body will soak up the dye so that the doctors will have a more accurate picture of if/where the cancer has spread to. It was hard for me to see her get an IV at such a young age and watch her cry through the process. That being said dad had to watch her go through the process while I sat with my eyes closed in a chair at the corner of the bed. I will say she did way better getting one than her mom did on the day we first met our little angel. J After the IV they came in and injected the dye which lasted about 10 minutes. We also got to meet with the anesthesiologist to discuss tomorrow’s schedule.
Approximate schedule for tomorrow is as follows:
8:00- Reagan can’t eat past this time-which will be really hard to see her hungry and
fussy because she can’t eat 4 hours prior to the test
fussy because she can’t eat 4 hours prior to the test
9:45- Report to registration
10:00- Reagan will start getting prepped for anesthesia- check vitals and whatever else
11:00- Only one parent can be in the room with her while she is getting sedated. Since mom won’t be able to handle this emotionally, Blake will be in the room with her and watch her slowly fall asleep. When she falls asleep he will be asked to leave and she will then be given the IV with anesthesia.
11:45- The MIBG scan will start and will last about an hour. After this is over she will be wheeled to the next testing room for her MRI.
1:00- MRI will begin and last about an hour. After this is complete she will be wheeled to the OR for her bone marrow test.
2:00- Her bone marrow biopsy will begin and last about 20-30 min. They will take bone marrow from her hip to see if the cancer has spread to her bones.
Reagan, Jenny, Blake and the rest of the extended family, please know that all of the Eller clan and my friendships all over the world are praying for your little angel.
I am praying for that sweet baby.